Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Personalised Newspapers .. Why choose Scooped? No1

At the last count there were three companies in the UK selling personalised newspaper gifts.

Unlike Scooped!, none of them can boast the experience of working in national newspapers.

One firm in particular has a huge budget and this has ensured that they have a real presence on the web and the customers that go with it.

Unfortunately for their poor customers they do not yet realise that there is something far better out there - but they soon will.

Where our rivals offer quantity, Scooped! offers quality.

They do not employ real journalists, they employ comedians and not very funny ones at that. That is not a cheap dig, it is the truth. The owner of Scooped! has worked as a senior sub editor on Britain's best-selling newspapers for more than a decade and has a degree in journalism.

All Scooped! front pages are written and designed by real journalists which ensures a quality product entirely consistent with a real newspaper.
Our rivals wouldn't last two minutes in a real newspaper, there are huge white spaces in their headlines and the appalling use of the exclamation mark would not be acceptable in any newsroom.

Our headlines are tight, concise, to the point and funny. Each page - and each individual order - is personalised to suit the needs of each individual customer. While our rivals use the same ads for every page our adverts are special to that particular category eg: A free Wedding Singer DVD on every spoof wedding newspaper; a free packet of Smarties on each personalised graduation newspaper and so on.

So if you are looking for a personalised newspaper or personalised magazine gift stick with the experts, stick with Scooped!

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